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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Mirita refuses Biondo offer!

Mirita refuses Biondo offer!

de Dana Andronie    |    Miron Manega    |    28 Feb 2008   •   00:00

At present, Vlad Mirita and Nico are in Athens to promote their song. Things are getting complicated back in the country. The petition of the song’s contesters already has 6,000 signatures.

SOLIDARITY – The petition for European Broadcasting Union close to its destination


At present, Vlad Mirita and Nico are in Athens to promote their song. Things are getting complicated back in the country. The petition of the song’s contesters already has 6,000 signatures.


In the meantime, the plagiarism suspicion has reached Spain. A Romanian woman who lives there told us her colleagues mocked her: “Ha-ha-ha! Bustamante in Romanian?”. However, there are people who knew how to take advantage from this situation. Radu Fornea took over Biondo in an instant and they signed the management contract already. The Swedish singers are so good that they could perform under any circumstances. If we take into account that there is a possibility for the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) to reject the play of Andrei Tudor, we see that “Shine” will be the play to represent Romania. With our help, Radu Fornea made an offer to Vlad Mirita and gave him the opportunity to sing with Biondo in Belgrade…



We contacted Vlad Mirita immediately and told him about the offer from Biondo in case the hypothetical situation we mentioned took place. He agreed at first. However, he called us back a few minutes later and made the following official statement: “The song is not plagiarism so it cannot be disqualified based on this criterion. I know the members of Biondo and I am aware of their value in the same way they are aware of mine. We speak the same language, so to speak…. I would be very glad to take part in any project with them, but not in this one. Even if the play would get disqualified due to the pressure of the public I would not accept to sing with Biondo in Belgrade. I believe this is the correct and moral way to solve this. However, I repeat, this will not happen because it is not plagiarism”. We understand Vlad Mirita’s behavior very well. At first, he had the reaction of the professional open to any challenge. However, when he had to choose between profession and ethics, he took the decision that seemed the most moral. “We are people, he added. We cannot sacrifice everything to be successful at any price. Loyalty lasts longer than any applause”.


A little quarrelling didn’t hurt anyone…

After the votes of the jury in the national Eurovision final, Marius Moga asked composer and jury Cristian Faur about the points he had given for his song. The fact that he received only 3 points determined Moga to call Faur a frustrated and envious person. Faur replied: “It’s funny he said I was frustrated since I am the one who received the greatest number of votes in the history of this contest in Romania with the song “Let me try”. You are really desperate and you should know that the national television is not as easy to manipulate as the radios that broadcast you’re music!”. The UCMR-ADA Professional Commission decided yesterday that the song “Pe-o margine de lume” is not plagiarism.


• Translated by Sorin Bălan 

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