Dick Marty, the Swiss named the president of the Committee of the European Council to take care of the investigation of the statements regarding the existence of the alleged secret CIA prisons in Europe, is the man who people believed to bring light to this case. The grumblers in the European press dreamt of an explosion of the "swelling". They dreamt of finally seeing someone who would come upfront and say loud and clear that certain European countries had accepted to have their territories used by the CIA agents, who would have taken the terrorist suspects everywhere else but the USA, in order to interrogate and torture them in such a way that the USA image wouldnât have to suffer again. One of those countries would be that candidate to the EU with many flaws in its file, Romania.
The rumors regarding the clandestine and ambulatory prisons of CIA in the entire Europe, especially Eastern Europe, have come from the press. Not from the European press, but from the American media, which has well informed people as sources. The rumors were backed up by the Human Rights Watch organization, who pointed the finger at Poland and Romania, as destinations of the alleged CIA clandestine flights. Bucharest and Warsaw denied the accusations and announced they would cooperate for an investigation of this matter. The 21st of February was the deadline for the presentation of all the exculpation proofs. The European Council decided the issue was too important and that they shouldnât wait until February, so they called Marty in Strasbourg for a preliminary report yesterday. The two Eastern countries were not the only ones suspected of having collaborated and of muteness. Approximately all the European countries less or more overflown by the CIA planes are suspected. The American and European TV stations, as well as the press agencies, expected the disclosures. They programmed live coverage for the debates as well as for Martyâs press conference, and the commentators and the analysts were ready to discuss every single bit of his statements. Marty presented his results. He explained that indeed the Americans had illegally transported and held suspect terrorists in Europe, but there are no irrefutable proofs that there are such centers in Romania or Poland. He said the truth is hard to find, but essential, and the investigation must continue with full cooperation from the USA and the European states, especially when it is highly probable that their Governments didnât know about this (like we didnât know!). This wasnât new at all and the Americans must have felt very relieved, since CNN stopped its live coverage after just a few minutes. There were others that didnât bother to broadcast the end of the debates, and they got back to the live coverage for Martyâs press conference. Moreover, yesterday we learned that actually, the things we want to hear officially are highly improbable to be heard ever. But there will always be someone to tell us that there are "numerous, coherent and convergent" clues to make us all think about the things that had happened. Marty gave us all an explanation for the already famous Bucharest-presidential definition of present power ratio in the world, the difference between the Small Glow-Worm and the Big Glow-Worm. America (the Big Glow-Worm), breaks all the internal and external rules in this anti-terrorist war and Europe (the Small Glow-Worm) knows it. There is only one question left for the grumblers: is Europe ready for this kind of anti-terrorist war?